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About Us
Fly Odyssey is a travel agency and operator providing the finest saltwater and freshwater fly fishing destinations throughout the world.


Our highly experienced team offers independent advice on the best locations to suit your budget, fishing goals and travel preferences.


Gilly Bate 


UK Fishing Director 

Gilly has fished extensively on the Southern Chalk Streams for over twenty years and is passionate about wild brown trout and dry fly fishing.


Initially, She qualified as an instructor with the Game Angling Instructors Association, working for  Orvis as one of their instructors on the river Test and Itchen. Gilly then worked freelance as an independent guide and fishing agent until joining forces with Fly Odyssey seveny ears ago and setting up their UK chalkstream based company.


Four  years ago she qualified as a Single Handed Advanced Casting Instructor with the Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructors, and very much enjoys teaching experienced anglers advanced casting techniques.


In 2013 she won the Ladies Single Handed Distance Casting Championship at the Game Fair and has given presentations to various clubs in London including the prestigious Fly Fishers Club in Mayfair and the Test and Itchen Association in Hampshire as well as local fishing groups. 


A keen salmon angler with over 25 years of traveling to up to Scotland but also a saltwater enthusiast pursuing many different species all over the globe.  With such an extensive range of fishing experiences, Gilly has a thorough understanding of the nature of fly fishing and the very different types of experience that individual clients are searching for.


Fly fishing should always be an adventure and Gilly is dedicated to helping you find the right experience when fishing our beautiful chalkstreams and around the UK.

Mathew McHugh


International Fishing


Mathew is the owner of Fly Odyssey International Travel.


The architect behind the concept of Fly Odyssey, Mathew was born in Australia and has fished the entire length and breadth of the country. A passion for fish lead to a degree in Aquatic Science and then travel throughout the world in search of fish that would take a fly. Mat settled on New Zealand as the ultimate trout fishing destination and has worked in helping to preserve New Zealand's aquatic ecosystems through working with the National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (NIWA).


Mathew has helped grow Fly Odyssey into a worldwide company and developed exclusive Fly Odyssey destinations in French Polynesia and the Maldives. Widely travelled and extensive experience in both fresh and saltwater destinations Mathew has a comprehensive knowledge of the fish and the fly fishing opportunities available worldwide.

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